Some times,I even forget that I live,I lose my self in the monotony of every day life;job,home,job and again home,I forget to really live.I forget to look around,i forget to enjoy, to feel,to hear.
This life is much more than that,the life is love,learn and enjoying everything that surround us.
But hopefully I realize it now,and is not to late.I start again motivate my self and believe in me .As creation of God ,we have a big potential but we don't realize .
Everything is about being good,giving love, having hope and ask for everything we want.
So,what I do is reading this affirmation every day,and my kind of life i had is changing.
Everything I need is coming to me
All is well in my life
Everything I must know is revealed to me
I prosper everywhere I turn
I deserve prosperity
Abundance flows freely through me
I deserve love
I give out love and it is returned to me multiplied
I allow love to find me
I attract only healthy relationship
I believe in my self so do others
Every cell in my body vibrates with energy and health
I have a brilliant mind and a great memory
I am capable and competent
I surround my self with the best people
I have around only good people,positive and kind
I accept and I love my self I am in constant development and growth