
Monday, 25 March 2013

I miss the childhood

'Childhood almost always awakens in the men's soul a sense of melancholy: leisure world where sweet dreams and shy bud opens barely human life. '
I miss my childhood, the sunny days .... The vineyard walks, the fresh air of the forest,being in the middle of the trees, running barefoot on the grass and the sand ,miss of our games ,the climbed trees;
the summers spent to my grandparents at Gagesti; days spent in orchards with children ,playing in the street, running, ducks ,birds and animals ... those times when I saw the world differently,everything was too beautiful, it felt my world as I could do or be anything....all that sensations,can not describe in words!
I miss to much!
Beautiful memories come to my mind...I can't get back the time,I close the box of memories,and I return to reality ...

Thursday, 21 March 2013

How to start your day


 This is how I start my day,
saying affirmation...something like this little girl :)

Don't worry be happy

Today, I want to make a pledge to be true to positivity . Will you join me?
I will give you a few compelling reasons why you should:

1. We can never predict what will go wrong, so stop predicting.

2. We can always solve problems if we stay focused and positive.

3. We can never do anything worthwhile with worry, so stop worrying.

4. We can always find answers if we believe and hope and search with the intention of arriving at answers.

5. We are never as alone as we fear, and we are always loved deeply by at least one other person.

Be the change you want see in the world

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Mie dor

"Copilăria mai întotdeauna trezeşte în sufletul omului un sentiment de melancolie: lumea tihnei în care visează gingaş şi cu sfială mugurul omenesc ce abia se deschide la viaţă. "
Mie dor de a mea copilarie,de zilele insorite plimbarile la vie,de aerul proaspat din padure , de alergatul desculte prin livada de visini si pruni,sa simt iarba verde si nisipul,de jocurile noastre ,de cocotatul in copaci...acele timpuri cand priveam altfel ,totul era frumos,totul era o descoperire,simteam ca lumea e a mea ,ca puteam orice,ce senzatii!nu le pot descrie in cuvinte!
Ce dor de verile petrecute la bunici,la Gagesti...zilele petrecute in livezi cu copii,joaca pe ulita,alergatul,ratele si vanatorii...Ce dor!.Frumoase amintiri in trec prin minte,si o lacrima pe obraz,cum timpul nu-l putem intoarce,inchid casetul inapoi,revin la realitate...

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Don't be afraid to show your self

I m stuff of false and fake people,I hate them,I m sick of them! People that speak ballshet,that say something and doing different,fake persons that hides behind masks for not showing real face...ugly people...that fear of life,that they don't know what wants,that don't even looks in mirror for seeing their self....Thank God for all the people that teach me what I don't want to be.Because I learn to not be afraid to show who I m.I believe in God,I like do good because I know what I do is coming back to me.I like live this life some times ,so crazy,I like saying the name of the things (cause I don't have hair on the tongue) even you like or not,i m not afraid of working too much,cause i m young ,strong ,a lot of will and I can do it attitude;and if I want something in my life I must fight for have it!
And I know that I have something to learn from every one and from any situation in this life!Thank you God for open my mind,that I can clearly see.